sábado, 7 de agosto de 2021

Activity 1. English Dot World Beginner

 Hello, good evening, my mame is Sandra Liliana Muñoz Orozco, i am thirty-seven years old, I am from Bogotá, my nacionality is Colombian, i am a single mother, and I study  at Sena, Málaga Santander. I live in Boyacá. 


He is Jair Eduardo López Blanco, he is from Medellín, he is thirty-two years old. He is a lawyer by profession. His nationality is Colombian. He is an Artist, he plays guitar and sings, he is dedicated at making crafts.


He is Cristian Smith, he is from Florida, he is thirty-nine years old. He is a systems technician and commercial mánager. his nationality is American. He is my dinamic and Spontaneous.